Monday, March 9, 2015

3/9/15 by Christine Marks

John 7:14-36

What stood out and touched my heart while reading this scripture was in John 7:15. It says, "how did this man get such learning without ever having studied?"

I was reminded of the very beginning of my time here at LCPC. Almost immediately, I was asked to help teach Sunday School.  Very clearly I remember thinking, "Are they talking to ME? What do I know about teaching Sunday School?" At that stage in my life, my only "church knowledge", was my own Sunday School attendance up until about 8th grade (which frankly I had a hard time staying awake in) and attending Mass every Sunday throughout my youth.

Well, I accepted the offer feeling totally unqualified, but honored by the invitation and hopeful to do right by these young students.

To make a 10 year story brief...

Though I entered into this teaching challenge thinking, "You've got to be kidding me", and feeling totally unworthy, it has been through God's loving embrace, his gentle leading, love and guidance, that it became one of my greatest blessings. It has been an honor growing in the word alongside of these precious children. Being with them from the age of 5 until now at 15 and having the privilege of seeing them grow in their faith and love for the Lord has been priceless.

I realized that it was ME being taught through the love of God throughout this journey. I literally knew more about the band Journey than I did the bible 10 years ago, but god filled my heart and prepared me to grow with these amazing children.

My take away from this message in John is that stepping out in faith, when feeling so ill equipped, can turn into one of life's greatest gifts.

Jesus taught without having studied to bring people to His Father.

One of my most precious moments as a Sunday School teacher came a few months ago. When my father had become very ill, a group of students came up to me and said, "We have heard that your daddy is sick. We want you to know we are praying for him." Then several sets of precious arms wrapped around me.

Like our father in heaven loves us, so must we love one another.

With love and thanks,

Christine Marks

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